Mellow Mushroom Menu Redesign

This is a redesign of the Mellow Mushroom menu, which I learned did not have consistency throughout the Mellow Mushroom locations. Through my research for this project, I also learned that Mellow Mushroom has several characters, such as Mel O. Mushroom, who was the mascot of the logo until the redesign in 2024 for their 50th anniversary. I redesigned this menue in 2023, before the new design, to bring some of the origin story and Mellow Mushroom universe back to the menu along with some consistency across locations.

While this menu is shortened, it has the potential to be expanded into multiple pages and can also be rotated to be vertical. For the headings and brand name, I wanted to preserve their branding and use more psychadelic colors, hence the bright greens, purple, and blues. The menu headings are also written in a bubble letter font, which felt fitting for the vibes of a Mellow Mushroom restaurant.
All of the characters included in this menu design were from Mellow Mushroom’s characters. I drew inspiration from some older Mellow Mushroom menus where the characters guided the reader’s eyes to different sections, but they felt cluttered with text and images, so this is a more mellow version of those menus.